Liebigschule Frankfurt, Kollwitzstr. 3, 60488 Frankfurt, Tel.: 069 212 39479, Fax: 069 212 394 80,
Liebigschule Frankfurt & SIGO Gistel – German-Belgian exchange 2023

Liebigschule Frankfurt & SIGO Gistel – German-Belgian exchange 2023

Liebigschule in Gistel (5th – 8th March 2023)

On the first day, the fifth of March, we had a reception at SIGO (Sint-Godelievecollege) in Gistel. After this we went home with the guest families, which was a nice experience to see the way of living in Belgium. On the next day we had a bike tour to a cemetery where a lot of soldiers were buried in World War One, which was also our topic of the exchange. After visiting the cemetery, we went to a museum, learning something about the First World War, especially about a weapon called "Lange Max".

After returning home to the guest families, the students explored Bruges and had a drink in a bar. On the seventh of March, the whole group visited the famous In Flanders Fields museum in Ypres, and ate fries, which is a speciality in Belgium. We came home late and spent some time with the guest families. On Wednesday, the eighth of March, our visit in Belgium already came to an end and we went to Frankfurt.

Tiago, a student from Liebigschule Frankfurt

SIGO in Frankfurt (8th – 11th March 2023)

As a Belgian student, Frankfurt was immediately a big difference. Everyone was impressed by the large city and its beautiful buildings. Almost all the people live in apartments and the main mean of transportation is the train. As a boy from a small village, you don't know where to look in a city like Frankfurt. During the day, we did a lot of planned activities such as visiting a cemetery, walking to the historical centre of Frankfurt with a guide and even following some classes with your local partners. Every single one of the Belgian students was accepted into a warm and friendly family. We and the Germans became one big group of friends: Every evening after the activities, the whole group went to walk through Frankfurt together or went to a bar. I'm really glad I got and took the chance to be a part of this exchange.

Eli, a student from SIGO Gistel

In conclusion, we can say, that it was a very nice experience, and every student is happy to have been part of the exchange. We enjoyed every day, and we would recommend you to take this opportunity to get to know a new culture and new people. 

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